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Kayla Sue Richardson....we Richardsons are STRONG! 7 pictures on this page

No matter where he went, Daddy always made friends.

This page is filled with Daddy's friends from all over.  If you have a picture you would like to share and have put on this page, please e-mail it to me..I would LOVE to include it on this website.  And if you would like to save any of these pictures, right click on the picture and choose SAVE save it to your computer.

Family and Friends


Having Fun

Nancy, Daddy, Mother (Sandy: Sherrie and Robyn's mother), Uncle Buddy (Daddy's BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD)

Friend in Texas


More friends

Daddy had MANY, MANY friends in Harlingen, TX...and he cherished each friendship very much!

Lifelong friends

Daddy and Gordy in Florida...Gordy played music with Daddy for many years.

Many musical friends.

More like brothers...Troy and Daddy were friends nearly all their lives..Bill was a good friend as well.

A Star

You will always be OUR shining star Daddy...We Love you!